Wellbeing / Suaimhneas


At Scoil Réalt na Mara, we understand the importance of holistic wellbeing for our students. We embrace the "5 Ways to Wellbeing" as guiding principles in nurturing their mental, emotional and physical health.

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Connect: We encourage our students to make time each day to connect with others. Whether with family and friends, fostering meaningful relationships promotes happiness and security, giving each individual a sense of purpose and belonging.

Be Active: We promote physical activity as a cornerstone of wellbeing. Encouraging our students to find activities they enjoy, such as walking, running, cycling or playing games, not only improves physical health but also enhances mental wellbeing.

Take Notice: Mindfulness and awareness are integral to our approach. By encouraging students to be present in the moment, to appreciate the beauty around them, and to be curious about their feelings, we help them develop a deeper connection with themselves and the world.

Keep Learning: We foster a culture of lifelong learning. Whether trying something new, rediscovering old interests or taking on new challenges, we empower our students to expand their horizons and build confidence, ultimately enhancing their mental resilience.

Give: We emphasise the importance of giving back to others. Whether through acts of kindness, fundraising or volunteering, we teach our students that generosity not only benefits others but also strengthens their sense of fulfillment and connectedness.

By embracing these principles, we aim to cultivate a supportive and nurturing environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, physically and emotionally.


Growth Mindset

At Scoil Réalt na Mara, we place significant emphasis on fostering a growth mindset among our students. We believe that cultivating a growth mindset is highly beneficial for their academic and personal development. By teaching that knowledge, abilities and talents can be developed through dedication and effort, we empower our students to embrace challenges and persist through setbacks. They learn to see mistakes or failures as opportunities for growth. This mindset promotes resilience, perseverance and a love for learning, equipping our students with the skills needed to thrive academically and beyond.

Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week is held every year at Scoil Réalt na Mara and is fast becoming a highlight of our school calendar. Throughout the week, our students develop their social and emotional skillsets by exploring each of the Five Ways to Wellbeing through a variety of exciting activities. Each of the five days has a primary focus on one of the 'Ways to Wellbeing,' allowing students to engage in enriching experiences such as whole school art projects, visits from magicians, sports activities, dance parties, yoga sessions, jewelry making, nail painting and cooking/baking. Random acts of kindness and gratitude jars are often filled, and many classes 'buddy up' for various activities. This week not only promotes fun and creativity but also helps students build important life skills and foster strong, supportive relationships.


Feabh 17
February Mid-Term Break
Már 17
St. Patrick's Day
Már 18
School Closure
Aib 14
Easter Break
Balbriggan Road, Skerries, Co-Dublin, K34VW10
01 849 0049
© 2025 Scoil Réalt na Mara