Tips for Incoming Junior Infants

Tips for Incoming Junior Infants

​Suggestions for over the Summer months

  • Over the summer, take some time to share positive stories from your school days with your child. Talk about your favorite teacher, how you made friends and any funny or memorable incidents. This can help your child feel more excited and positive about starting school.
  • Use the summer months to help your child practice important self-care skills. Encourage them to use the toilet, wash their hands and blow their nose independently. These skills will boost their confidence and make the transition to school smoother and more enjoyable.​

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles in your child's hands, fingers, and wrists. These skills enable tasks like writing, buttoning a shirt and picking up small objects. Encouraging activities like drawing, cutting with scissors, and playing with building blocks can help develop these important skills.

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills involve the large muscles in your child's body, such as those in the arms, legs and torso. These skills are essential for activities like running, jumping, climbing and throwing a ball. Outdoor play, sports and active games can greatly enhance your child's gross motor development.

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Top Tips for the First Day of School

  • Prepare the Night Before: Have your child's school bag, uniform and other essentials ready the night before. Encourage your child to help you go through a checklist to ensure everything is in place.
  • Minimize the Build-Up: Avoid putting too much emphasis on "the big day" to prevent your child from feeling overwhelmed. Keep conversations light and positive.
  • Breakfast Together: Try to leave time to sit down together for breakfast. A calm and nourishing start to the day can make a big difference.
  • Leave Extra Time: Allow extra time to get to school. Rushing can add unnecessary stress to an already emotional morning.
  • Be Prepared for Tears: It’s perfectly normal for both you and your child to feel emotional. Stay positive, say "slán" and reassure them that they will be well taken care of.
  • Trust the Teachers: Remember, the school staff is experienced and ready to take good care of your child. They will help your little one feel safe and welcome.

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Lunches at school

  • Practice with Lunch Items: Give your child plenty of practice opening and closing their lunchboxes and bottles. The simpler the containers, the better!
  • Label Everything: Ensure your child can easily recognise their lunchbox and bottle. Many children will have similar items, so labeling each item with their name is helpful.
  • Prepare Snacks for Easy Eating: There are two short snack times during the day (about 5 and 10 minutes). Save your child time by pre-peeling oranges, slicing apples and topping bananas.
  • Healthy Eating Policy: Remember that the school has a healthy eating policy. Avoid sugary snacks and focus on nutritious options.
  • Nut-Free School: Be mindful that the school is nut-free. Ensure all packed snacks and meals are nut-free to keep all children safe.

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School Books

  • Schoolbooks Grant: The government's Schoolbooks Grant will continue for the school year.
  • Free School Books: All school books and copies will be provided by the state, purchased through the school, and ready for students to use in August, at no cost to parents.
  • Additional Contributions: Later in the year, we will ask for a contribution to help cover the significant cost of art supplies, printing and other materials.
  • Shared Resources: The books purchased will belong to the school and will be used by students for many years to come, promoting sustainability and resource sharing.


School Uniform

  • New Tracksuit Available: A new Scoil Réalt na Mara tracksuit is now available and may be worn every day instead of the formal school uniform. It is paired with a pale blue polo shirt.
  • Traditional Uniform Option: Students may also choose to wear the traditional uniform, which includes a navy blue jumper/cardigan, trousers/skirt, and a pale blue shirt with a tie.
  • Where to Purchase: Both the new tracksuit and traditional uniforms are available from Whizz Kids in Skerries.
    • Address: 66A Strand St, Townparks, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 XN76.
    • Phone: (01) 849 1276
  • School Crests: School crests can be purchased through the school office.
  • Lost and Found: Please make sure to label your child's uniform to ensure the return of lost items.

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What does a typical day in Junior Infants look like?

  • Morning Activities (8:50am – 9:10am): This is a crucial part of the day when children settle in, chat and play. Early arrival is highly recommended to help them adjust smoothly.
  • Eating and Play Times: There are two eating breaks (sos agus lón) and two play times (10 minutes and 30 minutes) on the yard each day.
  • Core Subjects: English, Irish and Maths are taught daily, with a strong emphasis on early literacy, numeracy skills, fine and gross motor skills, as well as social and communication skills.
  • Daily Aistear: Aistear, a play-based approach to learning, is incorporated into the daily routine to enhance development. Please see our Aistear page under the 'School Activities' tab for more information.
  • Weekly Subjects: All other subjects are spread across the week, ensuring a balanced curriculum.
  • Physical Education: PE classes are held twice weekly to promote physical health and well-being.

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Feabh 17
February Mid-Term Break
Már 17
St. Patrick's Day
Már 18
School Closure
Aib 14
Easter Break
Balbriggan Road, Skerries, Co-Dublin, K34VW10
01 849 0049
© 2025 Scoil Réalt na Mara